This bid to succeed Is what I had always foreseen But in all that I had seen A setback of sin had always been   When I embarked* on a course With all reasonable force There seemed a pause And yet sin the cause   When I decided to be on my own And meditate on the unknown Seeds of evil begin to get sown All of which, from sin had grown   I begin to doubt a way […]

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This is known and expressed in words “The pen is mightier than the sword”   The sword has slain in numbers But the pen is plain in wonders   The sword transforms heroes to victims The pen transforms zeros to victors   ‘The Word’ is likened to a sword But the pen penned ‘the Word ‘ Hence the pen penned* ‘The Sword’’   If you know the penned word Then you have a ready sword For the penned word Is […]

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    Reckoned* as the most widely read Features the past,  present and the future It’s more real than can be imagined   Studied to be sturdy Read to be real Followed to be followed Practiced to be powerful   Others may just inform It alone transforms Can never be misinformed Once you conform   Divine writ Sacred scriptures Written word Holy Bible   Heb 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to […]

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