In recent years I have learnt a lot Much more I guess Than I thought afore*   I have woken before dawn I have witnessed the sun go down In all, God’s glory have I seen   I have come to know That we know better what we teach We become better or worse what we think That the inside dictates the outside   And most importantly That life is not about being the best But being my best.   […]

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  UNTO MATURITY   If you desire to be like Solomon, Wisdom is your limit. If you desire to be like Samson, Strength is your limit. If you desire to be like Noah, Obedience is your limit. If you desire to be like David, Bravery is your limit. If you desire to be like Job, Patience is your limit. If you desire to be like Abraham or Samuel, Faithfulness is your limit. If you desire to be any man except […]

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A man is not one who is well built Readily owns up to responsibility Faces problems squarely Walks against not along his difficulties Or even handles matters maturely   Rewarding attributes these seem Yet they intersect at a common point- Vanity When you see one determined to serve God Against all odds, till death then, you have seen a man.   Phil 3:3. “ for we [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, set apart for His purpose […]

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    Reckoned* as the most widely read Features the past,  present and the future It’s more real than can be imagined   Studied to be sturdy Read to be real Followed to be followed Practiced to be powerful   Others may just inform It alone transforms Can never be misinformed Once you conform   Divine writ Sacred scriptures Written word Holy Bible   Heb 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to […]

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  GOD: Hello son, I didn’t hear from you this morning SON: Sorry dad, I was in such a hurry to leave the house, I didn’t have time to commune GOD: I noticed the breakfast I kept for you was untouched SON: I didn’t have time to feed, in fact I just whispered a few lines of thanks. GOD: These days I notice you just briefly thank me in the morning and summarize your appreciation at night. If you must […]

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