Male and female made He them Of male He formed, female He fashioned Strength unto male, beauty unto female To the one He called stronger, the other weaker   Leader He called one, the other the led The head He chose, the assistant He assigned What lacked one, lacked not the other To this end made He them to be one   Fearfully and wonderfully, made He them Spiritual gifts gave not He to one more than the other For […]

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  It is written by God And no guile* in Him is found But the things written about me Happen not to me Should I seek again?   People give testimonies Fresh as the morning while I sit murmuring Alone in wandering Should I seek again?   Many seem to have gone While I look undone They look commissioned And I seem to lack mission Should I seek again?   Others stand in authority Dividing the word of truth I […]

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  UNTO MATURITY   If you desire to be like Solomon, Wisdom is your limit. If you desire to be like Samson, Strength is your limit. If you desire to be like Noah, Obedience is your limit. If you desire to be like David, Bravery is your limit. If you desire to be like Job, Patience is your limit. If you desire to be like Abraham or Samuel, Faithfulness is your limit. If you desire to be any man except […]

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