Salvation’s Cost

  What exchange can give A man of anything to live? Many a man would not believe Though water hold in a sieve   What fosters doubt mere Keeps the mind from truth bare Kindled atoms of evil flare Blown thither and here   Quelling this fear in myriads Nothing could thus raid Save that a sovereign* soul’s paid Not after we all were made   We hum the price as free Of our Saviour’s actual fee Seeing His blood […]

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‘Cos we want a pain-free gain We end up giving in to gain-less pain But the life of a Christian Is not without pain and gain   Gold is worth called gold As it emerges through fire Clay transforms to pottery Having withstood heat   Nothing good comes cheaply Our pain is worth less The glory to come, if compared Even by the price of our blood!   The presence of pain Makes sweet the price of gain! Fear not […]

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Before earth’s creation God was Man was made in His image Beguiled* by the devil to sin He disobeyed God to his own detriment* Men lived and men died Yet more men were born Then came the birth of a man who is God Great was and is the mystery of godliness That He was made manifest in the flesh Justified in the Spirit Seen of angels He was preached to the gentiles And believed by many Yet killed for […]

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