In Tears

Tears have made me look Like a scarified being They have been shed uncontrollably Rolling from upper lid to lower lip   I cried not because I had tears Nor because my emotions were tweaked* But there was a pain in my heart That forced the tears from their source   When I tried to hold back these tears Unthinking these thoughts that made me sad Though my eyelids were in close contact My lashes remained wet from the caress […]

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On a day I thought to gain I encountered terrible pain Strength was what I wanted to feign* But my actions almost drove me insane   I retired and lay to rest But ended up in unrest For the pain was to be a test And I took it for a pest   So waited I for a while Wishing all this was a lie But the pain became bitter as bile And I felt like to cry   To […]

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‘Cos we want a pain-free gain We end up giving in to gain-less pain But the life of a Christian Is not without pain and gain   Gold is worth called gold As it emerges through fire Clay transforms to pottery Having withstood heat   Nothing good comes cheaply Our pain is worth less The glory to come, if compared Even by the price of our blood!   The presence of pain Makes sweet the price of gain! Fear not […]

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