CHARLES ILEOGBEN Weird and original. This enigma was born an analyst. He groomed himself to become a critic and a very good one at that. He has no flair whatsoever to imitate anyone and the more you clamour, the more he differs. We share the same name and at some points he was a big thorn in my flesh. He just has a way of getting under my skin and it wasn’t a day’s job to get him out. He […]

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EDWARD ENEJOH Young men like this are hard to find, difficult to engage and completely rare to envision. He is one of those few students qualified to teach their teachers in due course. He may come across you like a normal hustling young Nigerian but this multi-talented dude is more than the eyes can see. From music to graphics, from programming to management, he is loaded with concepts and thinks out of the box. He is qualified to be called […]

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DINAH DAN-AZUMI An energetic, young and vivacious diva. One that I have always looked upon from afar. I remember how I would sit in the congregation and eagerly wait for the choreographers of TLV FCS FUT Minna to show up on stage just to see her perform. It was always a breath of fresh air to see something that didn’t look spiritual but was never out of place. She had this air of a tomboy but her beauty sold her […]

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