Immortal Clone

  Who is me that Thou art mindful of? Son of whom, of whom thou taketh account? Am I not a fleeting breath? Whose days are but shadows in all I dwell in the confinement of flesh And I’m plagued within its precincts* Battling my spirit to do Thy bidding From the grasp of mine weakling self Salvaged from the claws of the world prince Placed above his powers and principles But still in craving for his barns, in my […]

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Dear Chest

We, made in the image of The Blessed Are configured for the best But being hoodwinked* like the rest We still sit in places of contest   What could define the limits we see? And attest to the boundaries that besiege? When we have chosen nothing more to believe Than the enticing pleasures this world can give   The heavens lament our plight Who having turned from the path of light Have wholly given our foe, our birthright Condescending so […]

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