One Day at a Time

Life can advance no more Than the pace it moves The hurry we initiate and keep Cannot condition life to our terms   Life counts moment by moment Minutes to hours, days to weeks No more or less that it is Why bear the pain of worry?   Let tomorrow’s problem be with tomorrow Let the sleeping dogs of yesterday lie Sufficient for today is its evil And your best is – to be your best today   The setback […]

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Life’s Rhythm

Life is a function of time Though for it we pay not a dime While others in it find grime* We by grace find a rhyme   Acknowledge this rhyme today Know that His grace has come to stay Given that He chose this day And ordained our stay   Moving from height to height Trust not in your strength For though ahead is the light The end is not yet in sight. Prov. 3:5-6 5 Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with […]

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  Many a time have I wondered Surrounded by different sizes of boulders* At whose sight my mind shudders* How much temptation do I have to shoulder?   I know of the Saviour called Christ And of His powers above all, prized ‘Am aware of His desire to see me rise For this sole sake paid He the price   But unseen is the growth I desire And though unlived is the life I aspire Yet I know that even […]

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In recent years I have learnt a lot Much more I guess Than I thought afore*   I have woken before dawn I have witnessed the sun go down In all, God’s glory have I seen   I have come to know That we know better what we teach We become better or worse what we think That the inside dictates the outside   And most importantly That life is not about being the best But being my best.   […]

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    Reckoned* as the most widely read Features the past,  present and the future It’s more real than can be imagined   Studied to be sturdy Read to be real Followed to be followed Practiced to be powerful   Others may just inform It alone transforms Can never be misinformed Once you conform   Divine writ Sacred scriptures Written word Holy Bible   Heb 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to […]

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