Penetrating Rays

Shade from the forest trees Has the forest floor darkened Any shoot that thinks to thrive Of its own builds a coffin   A seed by nature did fall From the height of her parent’s thought Upon the lightless soil with a thud* Deep sank her roots, in bravery, she waited   Canopy-laden trees looked on with indifference They knew Little Shoot’s end or thought so Little Shoot with strength chose to compete And deeper, sank her roots   “Big […]

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In Search Of Love

Hurting from a broken heart One I had tried to mend and failed I think of the times that were bliss When my future no gloom seemed to know   Then, upon a cloud of trust I had floated an assurance of friendship and love Singing my days from bloom to bloom Digging to depths of some’s bosom   Was I told of a day like this My doubts mount tops would‘a sailed And drank to scorn the sea Only […]

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Golden Sceptre

  Xerxes was king in Susa Vashti, his queen pleased him not And for bride he picked Esther In Vashti’s place was Mordecai’s adopted   Seasons later, for deprived honor Haman the Agagite, Hammedatha’s son Played into law, a decree All Jews were to die!   The royal signet* sealed it Unchangeable, the laws of the Medes and Persians But Mordecai, though in ashes, lived in hope This law to avert laid he bid to Queen Esther   Transcending another […]

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Up one early morn Faith arose Before dawn, had begun work He toiled hard to push Hurting his nails to their roots   He wouldn’t give up And again to push he arose Dusk closed in but he kept on His destiny, to push it was   This Mountain must be moved And harder still Faith pushed Just then the mountain moved. Moved! And into the sea it plunged   Faith looked behind him And full of smiles was Work […]

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HE CHANGED Permit me to call him Denzel. He came to me based on parental request. His parents wanted him to learn under me. I was not in any way receptive to that idea. I didn’t like boys like him who felt they had what it took to rule the world and yet live in their parents houses and cannot even afford a single meal. I had information of his way of life and his clique of friends. I didn’t […]

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So many tales have been told you Of your origin, your background and source Details glaring, so much so That in your analytical mind You seem to be born forsaken Time dims our yesterdays But scars so ugly reminds you That your past is a skeleton of wrongs And though you sought forgiveness Condemnation looms to say “You are forsaken” Amidst the gathering of brethren Your heart is lifted of burden But when the night is come Often you wet […]

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