His ways and yours differ His thoughts and yours cross not He is God,  and you man He is the maker and you the made Rich Abram thought slaves Were to be his next-of-kin But God said See if you can count the stars For so shall your descendants be Things may look blurred* and hazy Progress may seem to have halted And conditions get no better But see if you can count the stars For much more is […]

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‘Cos we want a pain-free gain We end up giving in to gain-less pain But the life of a Christian Is not without pain and gain   Gold is worth called gold As it emerges through fire Clay transforms to pottery Having withstood heat   Nothing good comes cheaply Our pain is worth less The glory to come, if compared Even by the price of our blood!   The presence of pain Makes sweet the price of gain! Fear not […]

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Up one early morn Faith arose Before dawn, had begun work He toiled hard to push Hurting his nails to their roots   He wouldn’t give up And again to push he arose Dusk closed in but he kept on His destiny, to push it was   This Mountain must be moved And harder still Faith pushed Just then the mountain moved. Moved! And into the sea it plunged   Faith looked behind him And full of smiles was Work […]

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