Change By Challenge

In the light of change The silhouette* factor is Challenge Darkening the lighted paths A ‘halogen’ move would cause its death   Many deem it an end to change When the army against them is innumerable Bruised before in battle with Challenge They lie discouraged and unrisen   Change that counts Moving men to desire so Is one that rides not a roller coaster But with a witness, overcomes Challenge   The quest for change although known Fears in the […]

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It’s the beginning of another year Despite all, I am still here I count all my fails the year before I can’t say I was cool, I am sore The desire then was so strong How then did things go wrong? I have wit and grit, I show zeal Yet I didn’t have enough to deal This year is new and yes, I feel same Though unchanged, i still bear my name I can’t wallow in this thick mud And […]

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THE MOODLE CHALLENGE It was way past noon and I had barely made it out of the gates of the polytechnic, as i negotiated to park by the curb, I got a call. I stepped out of the car and picked the call. It sounded so formal. “Charles, where are you?” the female voice asked “I am just outside the gate”, I retorted. “Please can you come to the boardroom now?” She asked. I quickly made a turn and headed […]

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  GOD: Hello son, I didn’t hear from you this morning SON: Sorry dad, I was in such a hurry to leave the house, I didn’t have time to commune GOD: I noticed the breakfast I kept for you was untouched SON: I didn’t have time to feed, in fact I just whispered a few lines of thanks. GOD: These days I notice you just briefly thank me in the morning and summarize your appreciation at night. If you must […]

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I can’t say exactly where my route led to but as I passed the departmental laboratory, I decided to glance at the posters on the wall. It was always a littered spectacle. Ranging from Student union campaigns to scholarship adverts, fellowship programs and business notices. I hardly took time to read all because many were mere repetitions and others were just out of my league. I am not one to go looking for who to vote for via a campaign […]

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