An Ark’s Tale 2 (Philistine’s Side)

Ebenezer to Ashdod all the way through To make god Dagon host to the Ark of God Having no say as always, was idol Dagon Who understanding the place of sovereignty Lifted not its visage to behold Shaddai’s presence And in complete prostrate bowed in utter defeat Daring a repeat performance his worshippers shoved him up Dagon bowed again, headless and armless! Parts strewn across the threshold Deathly fear struck, Holy Ark moved- Ashdod to Gath With a history of […]

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An Ark’s Tale 1 (Israel’s side)

Ebenezer before Aphek, Israel against Philistine The first draw back laid four thousand lifeless torsos of Israel Eli’s deaf ear to his desecrating sons Full recompense had come to earn Neither sacrifice, nor offering, no appeasing God Beaten into retreat Israel for Shiloh headed The Ark of God’s covenant rather Him, to accompany them Desecrators Hophni and Phinehas as war heads led Israel’s applause of joy sent into desperate courage, the Philistines As the worse to come, came in measures […]

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Dear Chest

We, made in the image of The Blessed Are configured for the best But being hoodwinked* like the rest We still sit in places of contest   What could define the limits we see? And attest to the boundaries that besiege? When we have chosen nothing more to believe Than the enticing pleasures this world can give   The heavens lament our plight Who having turned from the path of light Have wholly given our foe, our birthright Condescending so […]

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Still On Course

The journey is a difficult one Along this path straight and narrow My shoes are old and worn And the river gets no shallow   More difficult would’ve been my plight If found on another path less straight Seeing an only way, truth and life Nothing could this plan perfect, than faith   Yet I wouldn’t say it’s all bliss As I bear this burden though just I count all my ‘losses and misses’ And see that I’ve not one […]

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Surely there’s an end

Thus were the heaven and earth completed That in the beginning was named void A definite plan, a daily toiling, an end reached The darkness willed that God rested from start For in it there would have been added toil time Maybe a change of mind would creep up the Almighty’s agenda Nay, it was! God, not man, had made a plan He had seen what was yet not, the end And thus set to work calling to being, the […]

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Stand Sure

Let him that thinks he stands Look not behind or afore Neither to his past failures Nor the unseen future   Buried in the business of today His duty is to be sure he’s true Upon an unshakeable podium of rebirth Grounded in a hope that’s not earthly   Any feign that he builds Would in time fortify and stand Bearing him through tunnels That exits at terminals of doom station   One before has gone ahead in assurance In […]

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Rest Calleth Thee

  Many mighty have fallen, Slept under the weight The very ones they called burdens Beguiled by the zest of youth The pride of an unusual exuberance They have borne a little more Than what a standard scale calls ‘enough’ What they lacked was the know-how   Innumerable and down trodden also Are the men that bore nothing And sunbathed on the beach of indolence They know not their fallen stance Nor is their hopeless end made known to them […]

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In Search Of Love

Hurting from a broken heart One I had tried to mend and failed I think of the times that were bliss When my future no gloom seemed to know   Then, upon a cloud of trust I had floated an assurance of friendship and love Singing my days from bloom to bloom Digging to depths of some’s bosom   Was I told of a day like this My doubts mount tops would‘a sailed And drank to scorn the sea Only […]

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Standing Together

Residing in every man Is the part he knows as his weakness When he is bent by pressure He fears to break, for he could   He writes upon tablets of stone The deeds he has wrought in time The pits that accommodated his falls Are sad-tales none should hear   One’s weakness could be anothers’ strength And standing together as one Affords no distinction, strong or frail Where one lacks, the other backs   What makes unbreakable a bundle […]

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Who We Are

  Our ancestors knew how to glory In the nakedness of their skin They scarcely bore an image hidden They were crude, nude and true   We who are of them Full of inventions and desires Have borne our crudity in style Our nudity in an appeal of disguise   How true can a man be Who hides his confidence beneath clothing And takes solace under cakes of make-up Smiling sheepishly and indifferently   It is not at all integrity […]

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