It was during one of those evening fellowship services way back in school. I heard the Minister make a call for those who had broken homes to come forth for prayers. For a moment I thought I didn’t hear well as I saw a mass exodus from the pews towards the pulpit. I began to wonder if I was the only one who wasn’t in the vogue of having parents that were separated. It was alarming the number of people […]

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It was few minutes past noon. As I washed my vehicle, my neighbour’s children rushed out to greet and do their normal question and answer session. One I am never tired of because the answers are always easy even when I don’t understand the questions. The eldest asked many questions supported by her immediate younger sister and the last born just assumed the role of an audience of one. She recalled a particular time I asked her about the beautiful […]

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I spoke or rather chatted with a friend of mine on a certain day and as we reminisced about the way her day went she told me it was more of an outing with her dad and that her dad told her she was lucky to have him as her dad. I imagined what their outing was like because I knew the father and I knew the daughter, no matter how little the knowledge. It wasn’t hard to tie that […]

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Despite my schedule I decided that if I did not do something in that respect, I wouldn’t gain any extra experience, so I took the hint and decided to hold the bull by the horns even if it gores me. I have been into web design using CMS for some years and I decided to do a public training. I thought of the prospects but it never aligned with the perceived stress and the amount of resources I was to […]

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My father once told me that those that move from job to job end up getting fixed in the best jobs because they have tasted different opportunities and have experienced varieties. To a large extent I tend to agree with him but like any other concept in life, making the conclusion absolute would not stand in every situation. I had and still have this grand idea of working with people who know how to change their environments and situations. I […]

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I was working on a deadline project when I decided to post some words on my FB status and few minutes later I got a reply. Reply done, I saw another post that tore at the reigns of my heart. It was from one of my students many of whom I hardly recognize or even know.  It started thus “but Sir, am tired of siting at home o… u guyz should do sumtin o…” I wasn’t startled at the complete […]

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 Our concept of a bookstore was born and we were happy that we had started something. Weeks went into months and the patronage dropped as if buying a book was a plague. It dawned on us that the reading culture of our immediate society was either lost or has suddenly become non-existent. It was difficult to encourage my fellow executives concerning the dream of having a thriving bookstore because funny enough we were part of the back-dropping reading crew. My […]

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I had been warned, cautioned and pin-pointedly rebuked, privately and even publicly. It wasn’t by just one person but everyone seemed to share the same view about this fellow, this man. He is mature, educated and stably schooled. Why all the fuss? What exactly is the meaning of all that was been paraded about this individual? I couldn’t tell from afar and some people clearly stated, “When you encounter him, you will know for yourself”. I didn’t buy their words […]

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It was some five (5) years back when I got this feverish feeling of going to an unknown place. It felt like a great adventure and I was one for the ride! An adventure it was, as I was on my way to Taraba state, posted by the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) of my country Nigeria. I travelled over twelve (12) long hours through states and arrived minutes before midnight. It wasn’t a soothing ride. Paid four (4) times […]

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When a child is born, its up to the parents or whoever is in charge to breastfeed the child for six(6) months or one (1) year or more depending on how the parent deems fit. You can even decide not to breastfeed the child. My point here is this: the child has no say! As the child grows up he or she relies on what guide you offer him or her. You decide the clothes they wear, the schools they […]

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