Life as it happens without shades


I am a youth and I actively relate with my ‘kit and kin’ at least on a daily basis. I grew up in the midst of young people and I have had contacts with elders of varying chronological ages. I love to discuss, I love to plan and I am curious to the bones. It’s what keeps me going. I live by seeking out better ways to live better. What baffles me in this my generation is not the decadence […]

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He used to work for my dad years ago. He was the guard and also the gate attendant when he was on duty. He was quiet and elderly, slim and soft-spoken. The way he walked seemed to tell me that he had things done for him in his growing up days. Don’t blame me please, I read people from how they walk to how they look and even how they pose in their pictures and seriously it works for me […]

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We sat outside the clinic, watching the movement in the busy streets below. Just then my Whatsapp beeped a signal and I reached for my phone. As I read the text that just came in, I smiled. I couldn’t hold it to myself, I told my closest staff what had just come in. A friend of mine who just completed a training had been hunting for a job. He was in dire need of a source of income and I […]

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I have been single for…how long now? Geez! All my life. I was born single, I got born again single and here I am, still single. It’s been a glorious time being single I must tell you. I feel fulfilled and it has nothing to do with whatever it is I may have obtained academically or otherwise. I have just been able to live out the little dreams in my head and take the risks I have always longed to […]

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 I sat as I listened to the long list of distinguished Nigerians who have changed the terrain of our country in their respective fields. It was the live show of the centenary anniversary on the television. I knew more of them than I thought I did and the ones I didn’t know, I was still glad to know what they had done to receive such national honours. The honours were nothing compared to the deeds. I was touched, so touched […]

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These few days I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with a widow. It was very trying for me. I seemed not to have enough patience stored up for all the words she had to say not to mention the lamentations of all she was going through. I was not expecting anything so different but I was still ill-prepared for many things that came my way. We talked a lot and I knew I had to calm […]

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I sat behind in my primary six days. I had classmates around me who didn’t think being serious in class was a priority in life and sitting near them influenced my emotions. I longed to be moved to the front rows but somehow it never happened. I couldn’t see the blackboard clearly from my back seat and I believed the distance was the cause. I made up my mind that when I get to secondary school I would not sit […]

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I cannot say why I haven’t smashed this blackberry phone against the wall. For the umpteenth time it has gone off in the middle of a chat. I try to tether it with my laptop and connect to the internet and without warning it blanks out. I have never really fancied a blackberry from the start, I saw it as an article of ostentation and a tool for promoting flamboyance. Half the people that use it hardly know the full […]

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I walked through the gate into the silent compound. It looked peaceful. I called the number again to be sure I was in the right place. He picked and asked me to come in. The moment I entered the house I saw pictures in frames, on the wall. He had children, daughters. They were young. They were youths indeed. I sat in his sitting room. He had a simple setup and the house looked like a home. A nice home. […]

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It was a grand idea. I had been using internet banking for some years and it has helped my business beyond my expectations. I was a proud advocate of the technology and I encouraged anyone that could afford it to try it. I enjoyed the ease of paying with my mobile phone or using my computer at any time of the day. It was not rosy all through, I had made transfers that hung till the last day of the […]

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