Life as it happens without shades


It came as a blessing but it turned out to be a showdown. One that I found hard to recover from. It all began from an opportunity I had to make a journey out of town to purchase some books. Since I had the liberty of time I decided to breeze into a bank and obtain my bank verification number (BVN). I have always been affected by the laxity of doing it back at home and since I was out […]

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I heard about his skills so I looked him up and he said he would make it. We talked about prices and opined what the logistics would look like. Days later, having concluded arrangements he sent me pictures to validate his claim that his colleague would ably represent him. That was when I went into my worry corner. Just as I decided to carve out a stable portion of my worry corner for this cause, I heard him say “ […]

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  Many years ago I was far from how experienced I am now but I always believed that I knew what I had to do. This was partly true and also partly shrouded by ignorance or lack of due knowledge. Nevertheless, I was the person I ought to be at the different times I existed. I always wrote the plan of my life years ahead. I had a vision of my future mapped out and I diligently followed it as […]

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  Few hours ago I got to the point of voicing the very words “I feel like giving up”. That was in reply to a question poised early by someone I dearly care about. She had looked me in the eye, after telling me about an issue that concerned me greatly and asked “What do you feel right now?” “Do you really want to know?” I retorted “Yes, I do”, She affirmed. “You want to know how I really feel.” […]

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On one of my visits to a friend’s house, I went towards the kitchen and I saw two sacks full of empty can drinks. I was amazed at the quantity I saw and I asked her how come they consumed all these. I cast my mind back in those days when only rich men consumed can drinks. Rich and busy men. Men that didn’t have time to wait and drink from the glass bottles which needed to be returned. We […]

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Sweet sixteen is a term associated with a damsel that is young and budding. Many ladies would readily want to be referred to as Sweet sixteen, for no one really wants to grow old or look old at best. Young men do not have such stigma, in fact they even want to become men as fast as they can. The number sixteen (16) doesn’t really matter to the male folk but in my case and in the story you are […]

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I grew up wanting to be many things. I thought my football skills will soar me high, then I imagined I could become the world’s greatest inventor, I dreamed what It would be like to be the best pilot and then an unrivaled public speaker, I thought it would be awesome to be a very powerful pastor or a leader of international repute. I had so many things in mind that caught my fancy as I grew through life’s stages. […]

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I can’t say exactly where my route led to but as I passed the departmental laboratory, I decided to glance at the posters on the wall. It was always a littered spectacle. Ranging from Student union campaigns to scholarship adverts, fellowship programs and business notices. I hardly took time to read all because many were mere repetitions and others were just out of my league. I am not one to go looking for who to vote for via a campaign […]

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We worshiped in the same assembly. Their dad was the presiding minister when he was alive. I wasn’t so close to the family but I knew they were cool. Having lost their dad to some assassinators, the family had become bereaved of the very comfort that the whole church had shared. It was a very sad event and still lives in our hearts. Sometime later I learnt that the house they moved to was suddenly gutted by fire and I […]

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You may never have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of my bedroom but the colour distribution speaks of deep thoughts of balance. On the wall closest to my bed-stand is a wall poster featuring an interior décor of enviable taste. White sofas, wall paintings, potted plants, well lighted shades and granite flooring. The poster gives a nice concept and it’s finer than the room hosting it. Anyone would think it’s a simple wall poster but beneath it lies a […]

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