Life as it happens without shades


SUICIDE STORY It was my first time in the International School Ibadan (ISI). I went in the company of the Ibadan Vasity Christian Union Postgraduate Fellowship (IVCU-PGF) as a visiting senior friend. These young ones were excited to see us and as part of their agenda, they had series of questions to ask. I heard different funny questions but two questions forced me to tell one of my life’s story. The one question centred on music and the other on […]

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Few minutes ago I received a text message from a phone number that wasn’t registered on my mobile. It ended with the sentence “thanks for being a teacher and a friend”. The sender would not reveal himself (I assume he is male!) and I decided not to hunt for the phone number despite every plea from my hormones to advance a search I have gotten texts that swelled my emotions, calmed my nerved and immobilized my racing thoughts, I have […]

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THE MOODLE CHALLENGE It was way past noon and I had barely made it out of the gates of the polytechnic, as i negotiated to park by the curb, I got a call. I stepped out of the car and picked the call. It sounded so formal. “Charles, where are you?” the female voice asked “I am just outside the gate”, I retorted. “Please can you come to the boardroom now?” She asked. I quickly made a turn and headed […]

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MR STUDENT I found myself reluctantly registering and signing papers for my first semester in a Masters course in computer science. It was a near-smooth admission process. I had no complications and none of my requirements were missing, neither was I found wanting in any qualification. The reason for my reluctance may not be farfetched, yet I couldn’t pinpoint it. Ten (10) years ago I had completed my Bachelor in Science degree and all the time spent between then and […]

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HE CHANGED Permit me to call him Denzel. He came to me based on parental request. His parents wanted him to learn under me. I was not in any way receptive to that idea. I didn’t like boys like him who felt they had what it took to rule the world and yet live in their parents houses and cannot even afford a single meal. I had information of his way of life and his clique of friends. I didn’t […]

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MAKING MARRIAGE Having stayed a full year in marriage I have had the privilege to reflect on a new phase of life. People have the saying that all marriages have their own challenges. I would rather rephrase to say all marriages are different challenges. The marriages do not have challenges, they are challenges themselves. The wedding is just the beginning of the marriage and it is over sooner than expected, the arrangements and plans notwithstanding. The honeymoon might look like […]

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It was a journey that was to last barely seven (7) hours. It promised to be less because I travelled in the company of friends. It was a journey to end in celebration because it was the wedding of friends and family. I was excited to drive to a new town and register another location in my conquest of touring Nigerian states. We took off two hours behind schedule and began the longest journey I have experienced in that year. […]

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I just finished a heart to heart talk with a client I wasn’t even ready to see. I was aware he had checked up on me days before and on hearing he was around again, I felt disturbed. I was busy and I didn’t want to see anyone. I needed all the time I had to concentrate on my work but for a man who opens an outlet to counsel people, I had to undertake the sacrifice of receiving clients. […]

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