Of a virgin was He born Journeyed to Egypt as a newborn Laid at birth in a barn Hmm… this Jesus   Quizzed on His first day out Parents returned to seek Him out And He followed without a shout Hmm… this Jesus   He began His ministry with wonders In many hearts, He grew fonder And His enemies were left to wonder Hmm… this Jesus   Before Abram He was In our days He’s our boss The future without […]

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  Nobody is his enemy No place is uncomfortable All situations are to be adapted to   His beliefs and doubts spell same Ever so quick to smile Yet feigns anger at will   His words need no thought backings His thoughts have dual word backups His swift suggestions fit the present need   Some say he is gentle, others loud To him, all are complements His description is indifferent   He ‘knows’ himself Yet lies to some With facts […]

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  This bid to succeed Is what I had always foreseen But in all that I had seen A setback of sin had always been   When I embarked* on a course With all reasonable force There seemed a pause And yet sin the cause   When I decided to be on my own And meditate on the unknown Seeds of evil begin to get sown All of which, from sin had grown   I begin to doubt a way […]

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  Many a time have I wondered Surrounded by different sizes of boulders* At whose sight my mind shudders* How much temptation do I have to shoulder?   I know of the Saviour called Christ And of His powers above all, prized ‘Am aware of His desire to see me rise For this sole sake paid He the price   But unseen is the growth I desire And though unlived is the life I aspire Yet I know that even […]

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As a Christian Fate* found you not But God did find you   Amongst fellow brethren You have seen hedges broken And snakes on their way in But you have faced the runway   Discussions have risen And fables have overridden truth But instead of giving strong rebuke28 You have faced the runway   Scriptures are fused into secular gist In seeming proof of selfish points And buffer* the lies that are told You see this and face the runway […]

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This is known and expressed in words “The pen is mightier than the sword”   The sword has slain in numbers But the pen is plain in wonders   The sword transforms heroes to victims The pen transforms zeros to victors   ‘The Word’ is likened to a sword But the pen penned ‘the Word ‘ Hence the pen penned* ‘The Sword’’   If you know the penned word Then you have a ready sword For the penned word Is […]

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On a day I thought to gain I encountered terrible pain Strength was what I wanted to feign* But my actions almost drove me insane   I retired and lay to rest But ended up in unrest For the pain was to be a test And I took it for a pest   So waited I for a while Wishing all this was a lie But the pain became bitter as bile And I felt like to cry   To […]

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In recent years I have learnt a lot Much more I guess Than I thought afore*   I have woken before dawn I have witnessed the sun go down In all, God’s glory have I seen   I have come to know That we know better what we teach We become better or worse what we think That the inside dictates the outside   And most importantly That life is not about being the best But being my best.   […]

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Male and female made He them Of male He formed, female He fashioned Strength unto male, beauty unto female To the one He called stronger, the other weaker   Leader He called one, the other the led The head He chose, the assistant He assigned What lacked one, lacked not the other To this end made He them to be one   Fearfully and wonderfully, made He them Spiritual gifts gave not He to one more than the other For […]

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  Out of them all He was first four Out of first four He was one best His work was flawless* And in all, exploits he did   But then he disobeyed King Darius His right; only that of a captive And he dared to disobey! His position in the envy of others And he dared to disobey!! His life seemingly at the mercy of beasts And he dared to disobey!!! He knew the law was unchangeable Yet he dared […]

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