Reeds in the Wind

  Tossed to, tossed fro Buffeted*on all sides Shaken without mercy In fitful*sways it stands   Thin as it looks and is In the midst of the howling wind Bent, though unbroken …is the reed   We may bend But break? Nay! Our salvation is full and not of us Though we be shaken, our foundation sure stands For we chose not but are of Him chosen   No matter what the times tell We’re too bedecked* with grace To […]

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Remember the Forgotten

Forgotten are the days When we toiled till dark Our heads below our waistline Feet astride58 mounds of soil   Forgotten are the years When we formed cliques, in uniforms Our desire; to learn what we ought So we could pass the test   Forgotten are the days When we attended extra classes Seeking help in all nooks For a foundation, we sought to build   Forgotten are the years When we fought with zeal, in queues For admission, gotten […]

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Better than Life

  Oh! Lord, when sin I behold The past, which now is unseen Rebirths in the womb of now As thistles*, by a landowner, not sown   The gift of grace though sufficient Sin in its stride is unrelenting* On the deeds of now, the future hoisted* What hope for the sons that are saved?   In your love not unabashed* In your dealings, stainless and pure Fill us with reverence for the Father Who out of love, sent us […]

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    Far off from home Emissary* to a foreign land A duty to perform Integrity to uphold   Unnumbered foes seek to enfeeble* you Compromise draped* as urgent commission But your faith shall embolden* you And your laid foundation be unshaken   Scripture as crystal, spoken Shall unfailingly return, not void For the respecter of no man Ahead of you is gone   We’ll dearly miss your fellowship But if we’ll hear dulcet* tones of your report Then we […]

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Life’s Rhythm

Life is a function of time Though for it we pay not a dime While others in it find grime* We by grace find a rhyme   Acknowledge this rhyme today Know that His grace has come to stay Given that He chose this day And ordained our stay   Moving from height to height Trust not in your strength For though ahead is the light The end is not yet in sight. Prov. 3:5-6 5 Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with […]

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My Desire

  Wishes are that I be near Near enough to God to hear His yoke I desire to bear So that when ‘am in fear Being neither here nor there He as He assures, will care Making dry my rolling tear Making worthwhile the days that make my year Wiping from me, the sin that has me in its smear I desire to be near Near enough to God to hear “Well-done my son so Matt. 11:29,30 29 Take my yoke […]

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  The principles of man Run no better than a man in mud The thoughts of man Make him no better than they are And his imaginations Make him soar* heights He may in existence never reach   The principles of God Have no unit of measure Against His thoughts Not even His enemies find justifiable fault His imaginations The universe too minute to withhold   He is a blended sort of indescribable worth That He was, is and ever […]

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  We all have dreams Some sweet as cream Others end in screams But a dream is a dream   We all dream to reign And our full heights attain But unsure is the terrain* And good and evil may together rain   If our dreams fail That shouldn’t make us pale We may not look hale But it pays not to be frail   Whatever we go through is passing phase No matter how slow the pace God sure […]

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  For reasons unknown I hear no answers When in His presence I tarry And my prayers I offer   Into the faith, He called me But my will He left unbridled* That I may of my own yield Otherwise His wrath face   If He did call me, He hears me If He does hear me, He answers If He does answer, I ought to hear If I hear not, then the loop* is open   God listens to […]

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