Know I AM

Many have challenged the existence Of the one who is called I AM Putting to test everyone who’s called by His name What in essence proves to them that He is?   When the lions refused to eat fresh meat It was a proof to king Darius That I AM could alter nature’s course Not unto any’s glory but His alone   When the fire lost its burning It was to show a bragging Nebuchadnezzar That not always does heat […]

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Not Forsaken

So many tales have been told you Of your origin, your background and source Details glaring, so much so That in your analytical mind You seem born forsaken   Time dims our yesterdays But scars so ugly reminds you That your past is a skeleton of wrongs And though you sought forgiveness Condemnation looms to say “You are forsaken”   Amidst the gathering of brethren Your heart is lifted of burden But when the night is come Often you wet […]

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The Call

Time was, when came the call Like Samuel upon Saul The urge to serve was like spring’s fall Your desires were to go as led, to all   The transition was uneasy, from being the led Sometimes the call you almost fled And the moment that most counted Your confidence anchor no longer held   Coached on the provision of grace Experienced on grounds of the leadership race You took a shepherd’s place Keeping ahead of the sheep in pace […]

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Penetrating Rays

Shade from the forest trees Has the forest floor darkened Any shoot that thinks to thrive Of its own builds a coffin   A seed by nature did fall From the height of her parent’s thought Upon the lightless soil with a thud* Deep sank her roots, in bravery, she waited   Canopy-laden trees looked on with indifference They knew Little Shoot’s end or thought so Little Shoot with strength chose to compete And deeper, sank her roots   “Big […]

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Heat Of Enticement

Not when the urge no respite knows Not when so glaring reveals the details Do we know we battle We wrestle daybreak till twilight!   As many seem not to see And of the devil’s wiles make plea So the accuser seems unseen Fuelling the store that makes plea   Under the hood of subtlety* Many a trap is set Not to utter fall But to provoke and ensnare   Deadening our conscience’s check These wiles will ebb our strength […]

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Immortal Clone

  Who is me that Thou art mindful of? Son of whom, of whom thou taketh account? Am I not a fleeting breath? Whose days are but shadows in all I dwell in the confinement of flesh And I’m plagued within its precincts* Battling my spirit to do Thy bidding From the grasp of mine weakling self Salvaged from the claws of the world prince Placed above his powers and principles But still in craving for his barns, in my […]

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Staff Of Authority

Arise O Christian Song of war, cry of battle heralding Arise and fight For death looms   The enemy stretches forth The neck of the godly to sever When no opposition he meets His deeds are prime and sound   Were you called and given a sword To adorn the graves of Martyrs? Or gird your loin in fine array And sheath the piece that is your weapon?   If our fathers played losers Are we to be on edge? […]

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An Ark’s Tale 2 (Philistine’s Side)

Ebenezer to Ashdod all the way through To make god Dagon host to the Ark of God Having no say as always, was idol Dagon Who understanding the place of sovereignty Lifted not its visage to behold Shaddai’s presence And in complete prostrate bowed in utter defeat Daring a repeat performance his worshippers shoved him up Dagon bowed again, headless and armless! Parts strewn across the threshold Deathly fear struck, Holy Ark moved- Ashdod to Gath With a history of […]

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An Ark’s Tale 1 (Israel’s side)

Ebenezer before Aphek, Israel against Philistine The first draw back laid four thousand lifeless torsos of Israel Eli’s deaf ear to his desecrating sons Full recompense had come to earn Neither sacrifice, nor offering, no appeasing God Beaten into retreat Israel for Shiloh headed The Ark of God’s covenant rather Him, to accompany them Desecrators Hophni and Phinehas as war heads led Israel’s applause of joy sent into desperate courage, the Philistines As the worse to come, came in measures […]

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Dear Chest

We, made in the image of The Blessed Are configured for the best But being hoodwinked* like the rest We still sit in places of contest   What could define the limits we see? And attest to the boundaries that besiege? When we have chosen nothing more to believe Than the enticing pleasures this world can give   The heavens lament our plight Who having turned from the path of light Have wholly given our foe, our birthright Condescending so […]

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