SICKNESS   Life is full of struggles Some pleasant some unpleasant   But when it boils down to illness I am slain in wondering thoughts   How a man healthy this minute Is bedridden* the next   Agile* in all activities before Can hardly stand his height now   One who was a father to all Is now a child to many   Who having an insatiable appetite Can barely part his lips to eat   Yet in my wondering […]

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A man is not one who is well built Readily owns up to responsibility Faces problems squarely Walks against not along his difficulties Or even handles matters maturely   Rewarding attributes these seem Yet they intersect at a common point- Vanity When you see one determined to serve God Against all odds, till death then, you have seen a man.   Phil 3:3. “ for we [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, set apart for His purpose […]

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‘Cos we want a pain-free gain We end up giving in to gain-less pain But the life of a Christian Is not without pain and gain   Gold is worth called gold As it emerges through fire Clay transforms to pottery Having withstood heat   Nothing good comes cheaply Our pain is worth less The glory to come, if compared Even by the price of our blood!   The presence of pain Makes sweet the price of gain! Fear not […]

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    Reckoned* as the most widely read Features the past,  present and the future It’s more real than can be imagined   Studied to be sturdy Read to be real Followed to be followed Practiced to be powerful   Others may just inform It alone transforms Can never be misinformed Once you conform   Divine writ Sacred scriptures Written word Holy Bible   Heb 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to […]

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Before earth’s creation God was Man was made in His image Beguiled* by the devil to sin He disobeyed God to his own detriment* Men lived and men died Yet more men were born Then came the birth of a man who is God Great was and is the mystery of godliness That He was made manifest in the flesh Justified in the Spirit Seen of angels He was preached to the gentiles And believed by many Yet killed for […]

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Up one early morn Faith arose Before dawn, had begun work He toiled hard to push Hurting his nails to their roots   He wouldn’t give up And again to push he arose Dusk closed in but he kept on His destiny, to push it was   This Mountain must be moved And harder still Faith pushed Just then the mountain moved. Moved! And into the sea it plunged   Faith looked behind him And full of smiles was Work […]

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