Keep Aflame

  This is the true Christian Who will, though bent and frail Hold the fort in strength Lacing his shoes as the Master’s harbinger*   When snags* stick like glue Despondency* hot on his trail He will go the length He that bears the word more than a messenger   He won’t descend from the blue He will stand and not fail Running and yet not faint If he dips not in the world’s sauce, his finger   As our […]

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God is Love

No man can live This life eternal Who knows not God Or his saviour Son   Not one can say “Jesus is Lord” If he banks not On the Holy Spirit   Who lives tomorrow Without His grace? Who breathes the next That’s not favoured?   He that cries and sorrows She that laughs and rejoices He that’s insane and nowhere God’s love does not discriminate   A priceless jewel, an invaluable gen What more can prove love? Immortal for […]

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In the Showers

  A hand was laid upon me From subconscious thoughts I sprang to full height I was late for a date!   Swished water over my face And behold as I looked I saw them fall in torrents* Rain, in drizzles, in showers   What an unpleasant sight Ha! Here was a pleasant excuse But the hand that woke me Made me inexcusable   Into the showers, under hand held canopies Onward, upward, marching as to wail Undaunted, cold but […]

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  This is where it all ends Betrayal of friends, sting of enemies Forgotten and buried herein This is where I seal them all   Punched in by disappointments Of a pal’s absolute promise My tears do well to flow But they cease in this place   Have endured accusations so false Have had the right to avenge Yet when I was wrong, someone also forgave me I will cherish and not lose this place   When I get here […]

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Help me Finish

  When no one seems to be of help When even my mentors discourage me And my leaders no more lead Let me in my stride not relent   When I stare into failure’s face When success is behind me And an unavoidable pit before me In Your arms let me be borne   If after all Your grace I remain grave Of your blessings I yet Plead And despite your mercies, I remain a mess Of Your wrath’s path […]

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Feed your Lions

  Worry not about thy food This I say to the lions If Daniel’s foes are food Then tasty meal is set and done   Who would, throw the righteous to the lions And he not be eaten for variety? Even if we be placed on death row Our God is not a sleeping deity*   Weapons fashioned against us Shall not prosper And all that be as curse Shall alight not upon us   Lord, make aware Your awesome […]

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Moments of Thoughts

The nursery that grows my dream The birthplace of my aspirations Discouragement can blow no ill wind When I mount this podium* of mine   I could stay hours unending Alone but not lonely Building my castle from foundation Seeing it rise from try to sky   Issues have resolved themselves Fears dispossessed of their potency And determination made more proclaim Here, in thought and nowhere else   When I need answers, solutions When I see a desire and need […]

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Death and Glory

  Who has halved our joy? Dried us as does dearth* Tossed us into turbulence like a buoy* If you may, call him death   He has claimed our own So did he the world’s Messiah He dared to have us shaken and thrown But sure is God’s spoken word, His desires   God’s promises still stand Our future may delay but will still be Death can’t singe* our hair, not even a strand He will but only sting as […]

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Tis Grace

Ever beheld your ship set sail Without a mast, rudder or wind On track like a courier mail Having no point but its target to mind?   Ever seen a point of weakness That rids you of all strength Yet in a show of excellence You’re like a man who went an extra mile   Ever foreseen an absolute conquest Of a sudden outcome Yet without your making request Victory soars near to overcome?   Of grace, count your blessings […]

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  Truth is the tale told To all men and not sold Many not in the fold Will rather than believe grow old   We forget so often that our lives Though they droop live eaves* And placed within our reach Are not ours to preach   Many live the truth in disguise Tell it in ways that are unwise Even a silent fib* will still read as vice And some being reticent* think they’re nice   The harm they […]

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