Creative lines from deep within


PERSIST   We get so discouraged sometimes Forgetting that we are but men Subject to life’s wiles And all the ills that nature could birth   Staying alive for a day is enough hard work Crowding the day with thoughts of worry Isn’t going to sort us into peaceful portions Rather we lose our ultimate focus   Our target might be far from sight But we must keep our aim guided Our hands steady and strong to throw The darts […]

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The whistle blew and the race began Everyone cheered the sprinters as they ran No one noticed the lone sprinter As he bowed his head in defeat   He sobbed as a tear drop left his eye To hit the track without a thud This was all he could do For he was already left behind   He braced himself and watched the race end He had trained three years for this one race Now it had ended and he […]

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The latter should be greater than the former The end better-off than the beginning To start a thing and not finish Is synonymous with failure   He that would build a house must be set He that would run a course must be prepared He that would finish must define it from start Not the swift, the hasty or the know-it-all   They that finish and succeed Found their strength elsewhere In the confines of the One rich in glory […]

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This is a principle of heaven and below That any break in communication Breaks any relationship And distances those involved   Any that will keep the fire aflame Must strive to bridge the distance Man to man, man to God Both to talk, both to listen   Shortest distance between two entities Is a straight talk Be it a talk so formal or a simple gist Bridging the gap means talking it out.  

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As we gather in God’s space Hand in hand in love We knit our spirits to wait And intently seek his face   Desires may worsen our case And our path may bend and curve But the journey to this eternal gate Must never be at our own pace   The strength to run this race Will, all our problems, solve For if we won’t be late We must depend on his grace.   Acts 4:33 “And with great power […]

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LOOSEN UP Burdens could keep one unrested Disfavour unto the one who yields Tales untold that weigh a tonne Until the time to tell is spent Tales could plague the busy mind Weighing more than lead and more To speak the burden just as is Lips need more than pleas to part To tell or not is but choice and pact Of two or more conflicting to agree The one that wins bears the brunt Or rather so the peace […]

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  She had her life to live before I came When I came it was never the same Her life was no longer hers at will I was hers and so was the bill There were days of endurance Many moments of tolerance In nine months her body changed In few years she had aged The pain she bravely bore And the birth that made her sore To her were grace and blessings And nothing but godly mercies When I […]

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  Two gone in recent times!Could it be better than limes?When you least expectYou pay your last respectDeath sounds no clarion callYet it would never stallPleasant memories still fresh Present thoughts in a mesh That wishes could just stay Whether or not we pray Then i`ll never lose anyone Or mourn a single one They were gone before my eyes Like the throwing of dice Doubtless to say we all are sent, Though our destinies be different Each with a […]

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Ten to the Saviour came To be healed and no more They of His mercies begged That they be made whole And from shame be freed   I saw the Saviour’s pity Turn a command “Go show the priest yourselves” And as they went by the way Behold!  they were healed   To give praise returned one, a foreigner And of him the Saviour asked “Where be the other nine? Weren’t a dozen, less two, healed? Thy faith makes thee […]

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