LIFESTAMPS is a collection of original write-ups comprising of true-life essays, poems, conversations and more. All write-ups are original brainchildren of the author.

Karl Spokesman is a vibrant youth with a passion to get better in whatever he does. Known for his keen interest in challenging conventions technologically and otherwise, he is a lecturer in one of Nigeria’s higher institutions, a self-taught programmer, and entrepreneur, he is a creative writer and poet. His works have been published in Today’s Lifeline Magazine, an international Christian magazine and his local fellowship’s magazine, Rekindle. A core believer in unique etiquette and an implementer of unalloyed concepts.

Having been saved over twelve years ago by the Lord Jesus Christ, he is a staunch believer in the ways of the Most High God, in whose grace, he moves and has his being. He would readily tell you…

I am what I am, not by who I am but by WHO HE IS.