If your ways could be made into a movie

I’m convinced, you would watch it without a TV

When men out of fear, did more than err

You lived like fear was absent from this earth


You had the knack to put pieces together

And where none existed, you created as needed

You could teach persistence without theories

Faithfulness and stewardship hugged you ever close


God was never second in your priorities

And like the exemplary men of Scriptures

You took your count of 40 until He came through

Then you proved His authenticity 5 more years


Indeed God almighty has done you well

Rather than just change jobs, you changed realms

As He alone has lifted you to pamper you forever

Seated at the right hand of eternal wealth


We do not mourn a loss, we celebrate your life

You were not a barrister to plead your case up there

You were one here to mediate for others

For all you were and became, we say Oluwaseun!


For Barr. Damilola Awesu (1973 – 2018)

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