In the Showers


A hand was laid upon me

From subconscious thoughts

I sprang to full height

I was late for a date!


Swished water over my face

And behold as I looked

I saw them fall in torrents*

Rain, in drizzles, in showers


What an unpleasant sight

Ha! Here was a pleasant excuse

But the hand that woke me

Made me inexcusable


Into the showers, under hand held canopies

Onward, upward, marching as to wail

Undaunted, cold but comforted

Trails to the mount we trod


Atop, no external comfort

Inward man sacrifice ready

Frost biting, shilling gusts of wind

But feet above we stood


God amongst us, with us

We prayed, we praised, we sang

Showers slow, fast, but spirits high

Canopies cast down, daring nature


Like mist rising in the noon sun

Our burdens lifted

Our hearts merry

We were higher than we climbed


Descent was in joy

Clothes hugged closer

And canopies again, went up

We had dared, dared the showers


All through we came

The same pathway, though a different people

We had been in the showers for hours

And we didn’t get wet.


Neh 4:8-9 and all of them conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion. Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night. (NKJV)

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