Feed your Lions


Worry not about thy food

This I say to the lions

If Daniel’s foes are food

Then tasty meal is set and done


Who would, throw the righteous to the lions

And he not be eaten for variety?

Even if we be placed on death row

Our God is not a sleeping deity*


Weapons fashioned against us

Shall not prosper

And all that be as curse

Shall alight not upon us


Lord, make aware Your awesome stance

Let evil men see your children safe amidst danger

Whether our foes serve as snack or a meal

Let Thy lions feed and not hunger!


Isaiah 54:17 no weapon forged against you will prevail,and you will refute every tonguethat accuses you.This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,  and this is their vindication from me,declares the Lord.” (NIV)


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