The Call

Time was, when came the call

Like Samuel upon Saul

The urge to serve was like spring’s fall

Your desires were to go as led, to all


The transition was uneasy, from being the led

Sometimes the call you almost fled

And the moment that most counted

Your confidence anchor no longer held


Coached on the provision of grace

Experienced on grounds of the leadership race

You took a shepherd’s place

Keeping ahead of the sheep in pace


A lot many sheep having you in their envy

And ignorant of the line that to you was wavy

Unnoticed that your burden indeed was heavy

They craved for the supposed ‘dish of gravy


Uneasy laid your head adorned

Atimes pleading for a ‘grant of pardon

But the race had to be run

Through the lawn and alike, the thorn               ~


Amidst the cheer and the jeer

You had through it all dared

Bresting the tape far ahead of the rear

Owed to grace, garnished with a little tear


Today you know more than you did

Fainting no more from that ‘call of thee’

Assured of a promise worth more than the deed

A fore-runner would put it thus to thee


“Though thy breast be upon the band

And in sight is the promised land

I do well to thee remind

A baton still is held in thy hand!”

…keep running coheirs, keep running


Philipians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”(AMP)

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