Surely there’s an end

Thus were the heaven and earth completed

That in the beginning was named void

A definite plan, a daily toiling, an end reached

The darkness willed that God rested from start

For in it there would have been added toil time

Maybe a change of mind would creep up the Almighty’s agenda

Nay, it was! God, not man, had made a plan

He had seen what was yet not, the end

And thus set to work calling to being, the beginning

Knowing His faithfulness and dedicated wholesomeness to duty, we can boldly,

For all attributes of this immortal being say;

If the walls of our trials be likened to China’s edifice

They would lay waste as the fences of Jericho

And we would measure to Jerusalem’s wall in height

Has it not been said of our latter increase to greatness

The beginning though mustard and shaky

I dare to trust the one whose thoughts of us were

Long before the earth was

Good and not evil is His utmost plan

That we might reach an end expected

Jeremiah 29:11” For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” (KJV)

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