Penetrating Rays

Shade from the forest trees

Has the forest floor darkened

Any shoot that thinks to thrive

Of its own builds a coffin


A seed by nature did fall

From the height of her parent’s thought

Upon the lightless soil with a thud*

Deep sank her roots, in bravery, she waited


Canopy-laden trees looked on with indifference

They knew Little Shoot’s end or thought so

Little Shoot with strength chose to compete

And deeper, sank her roots


“Big trees were once like me”

Thought Little Shoot

“If I can get my roots

My height will feed from them”


Strength to spur, she gathered

When she thought right she shot upwards

The sun, she couldn’t see

But beyond the shade, she knew it shone           ~


Tall trees parted to her nudge

Many still lamenting an impending doom

Little shoot paid little heed

Her root’s depth, her height’s factor


Hopes receded* by discouragement tides

Have been washed ashore

Rivers of failure may have drowned great minds

But for Little Shoot‘s brave deed


Today Little Shoot is a victor

Her reflection is shared by the others

Her height canopies the tallest

Her deeds have made invincible the weak minds


More than words are grateful thoughts

Penetrating is her wholesome effect

“Grow, grow on”, cry the others

“Thy paths are warmly felt”


Colossians 2:7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.(NLT)


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