Know I AM

Many have challenged the existence

Of the one who is called I AM

Putting to test everyone who’s called by His name

What in essence proves to them that He is?


When the lions refused to eat fresh meat

It was a proof to king Darius

That I AM could alter nature’s course

Not unto any’s glory but His alone


When the fire lost its burning

It was to show a bragging Nebuchadnezzar

That not always does heat make roast meat

Unless its Maker grants it the power


When the oil refused to stop flowing

And that jar in Zarepheth lacked not flour

When the boy died that the oil and flour sustained

It was to prove God’s power when he lived again


When a diseased commander of the Syrians

Grudgingly stooped seven lows in the Jordan

And came up a healed man

It was to prove the I AM’s infallibility*~


When Baal’s prophetic crew

Glimpsed the fire from I AM’s abode

And the parched earth drank in the rain

It was to show the impeccability* of God’s word


When I AM puts His word to act

Letting the world behold His invincibility*

He dared to show why He is so called

And why we need not be ashamed to call Him so


Many more would throw a challenge

Daring your allegiance* as son

If they would be silenced by your exploits

You have one task- know “I AM”


Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.(KJV)


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