Immortal Clone


Who is me that Thou art mindful of?

Son of whom, of whom thou taketh account?

Am I not a fleeting breath?

Whose days are but shadows in all

I dwell in the confinement of flesh

And I’m plagued within its precincts*

Battling my spirit to do Thy bidding

From the grasp of mine weakling self

Salvaged from the claws of the world prince

Placed above his powers and principles

But still in craving for his barns, in my exalted stance

Wherein my thought knows the now not hereafter


Who is me that Thou wouldst rescue

Upon a cross of eternal, inestimable cost?

Is not I who gambled mine Master’s robe?

The one who bailed Barabas and nailed thee?

Upon being nailed I urged Thee to free Thyself?

Who stabbed thy side and fed Thee with vinegar?

Having from start betrayed Thee with a kiss

Nurtured and grown in mine heart

Is it me thou call meekest man on earth?

Man after thine own heart?

Most faithful in the surrounds of Jerusalem?


Maybe it’s another not me wholly vile

Who vituperate rather than praise

And when like praise it seems

Mine heart is in galloping stance from thy stable

Someone else is fit to be called thine

And most befitting is mine neighbor’s unborn son

I dare not claim a title I can not defend

For though mine heart is evil

I know the limit of mine stumble

I would wait a while and be sure

Who it is that Christ Jesus came to save

Who in all is worth a visit from this begotten Son?

A visit that cost heaven a whole life

And the eternal Father, His son’s presence

It is not I that could be called worthy!

Of all the spikes that adorn mine being!


But I hear a different voice

Claiming for me an everlasting love

Proven by a most prized possession


It feigns not its reassuring call   ~

Oh! That I could believe this voice!

But how on earth do I doubt it?

The one whose palms were holed

Who filled mine net that caught naught all night

Who in mine glare stood still the sea by His words

Unimaginable yet is, how of few bread and fish

Four and a different five thousand spake of fill

If I was only told of these exploits

I would have trained mine mind to doubt

But I’m witness to these and more

Hence do I believe if He says it

That sufficient for me is His grace

And of His immortal content

Has established me a personal clone

Though unstable and below standard afore

I’m redeemed and quelled of my fear now

For to me His words are Spirit, Life and Light

Wonderfully and fearfully composed

Unashamed, lo happy is me

For my God is the Lord

Who has unreservedly called me son!


Romans 5:8-10 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. 10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”(NKJV)

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