Death and Glory


Who has halved our joy?

Dried us as does dearth*

Tossed us into turbulence like a buoy*

If you may, call him death


He has claimed our own

So did he the world’s Messiah

He dared to have us shaken and thrown

But sure is God’s spoken word, His desires


God’s promises still stand

Our future may delay but will still be

Death can’t singe* our hair, not even a strand

He will but only sting as a bee


Earth lost a man, heaven gained a soul

Let the man who firmly stands fear not death

Death can’t deter our goal

No! His worst is to do the deed of death


Death desires us in sorrow to be slain

But we deny him and refuse his story

For unto glory we lose not but gain

Thus is death, our gateway to eternal glory!


Phil 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.(KJV)

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