An Ark’s Tale 2 (Philistine’s Side)

Ebenezer to Ashdod all the way through

To make god Dagon host to the Ark of God

Having no say as always, was idol Dagon

Who understanding the place of sovereignty

Lifted not its visage to behold Shaddai’s presence

And in complete prostrate bowed in utter defeat

Daring a repeat performance his worshippers shoved him up

Dagon bowed again, headless and armless!

Parts strewn across the threshold

Deathly fear struck, Holy Ark moved-

Ashdod to Gath

With a history of mass hysteria Holy Ark moved- Gath to Ekron

In godly fear Ekron wailed unto salvation

Compensation followed in a new oxcart, the Ark

Two untested, unguided lowing mules faced Beth-Shemesh

Seventy irreverent dared peep, purchasing death

Ark moved as Kiriath Jearim played host

Glory’s returned!

Who before the Lord can stand, Philistine?


2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (NKJV)

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