An Ark’s Tale 1 (Israel’s side)

Ebenezer before Aphek, Israel against Philistine

The first draw back laid four thousand lifeless torsos of Israel

Eli’s deaf ear to his desecrating sons

Full recompense had come to earn

Neither sacrifice, nor offering, no appeasing God

Beaten into retreat Israel for Shiloh headed

The Ark of God’s covenant rather Him, to accompany them

Desecrators Hophni and Phinehas as war heads led

Israel’s applause of joy sent into desperate courage, the Philistines

As the worse to come, came in measures full

Israel showed clean heels and those who lagged, fell thirty thousand

The sons of the prophet fallen, the Ark of covenant taken

Eli heard and died in a fall. Following suit; Phinehas’ better half

Birthed from the demised was Ichabod

From Israel, the Glory was departed!

Who before the Lord can stand, Israel?


Romans 6:23  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.(TLB)

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