Withstanding the Paradox

Stranger than fiction

Is the concept of failure

When all that led to it

Is a sure dint* of hard work


Marrow-deep is the pain

When after long days of toil

All that fills our barns

Are no better than the rewards of a sloth*


‘Incomprehensible’ is the word

That does best describe

A result that negates

All premise* that led to it


How best can it be explained

If the universal principle of

‘Sow and Reap’

Has changed bias seemingly?


How expressive can one be?

Who having drained his faith-tank

Beholds an unwholesome fate

Staring him deep in the eye        ~


Nature’s sure call is a rethink

And man is a natural being

But it ill behooves* him to back out

For with what shall he testify?


We bear needless pain

Riding through life, on rough terrain

And so he that must be a Victor

Must do the victor’s deed –


Counting ordeals as landmarks

Seeing barricades as ladder rungs

And positively doing the one thing

That thus far brought him -“Keep moving”


Isaiah 49:4 I said, “I have worked, but how hopeless it is!I have used up my strength, but have accomplished nothing.”Yet I can trust the Lord to defend my cause;he will reward me for what I do.(GNT)

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