Who We Are


Our ancestors knew how to glory

In the nakedness of their skin

They scarcely bore an image hidden

They were crude, nude and true


We who are of them

Full of inventions and desires

Have borne our crudity in style

Our nudity in an appeal of disguise


How true can a man be

Who hides his confidence beneath clothing

And takes solace under cakes of make-up

Smiling sheepishly and indifferently


It is not at all integrity

To uphold the laws of a country

And ignore the probing of a conscience

What does the horse behind the cart?


How be it that the principle of one

Gets altered in the presence of dignitaries

And adopts the humility of a hypocrite

That he may be thought presentable?               ~


If we hide our identity from mere mortals

Who share the same weakness and limitation

In the bid that we be acceptable

In a world of no eternal value


Could we face our Lord

And make plain our inabilities

Admitting our dire need for His help?

Could we even tell Him, if we knew, who we are?


Ecclesiastes 7:29 This only have I found: God created mankind upright,but they have gone in search of many schemes.”(NIV)


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