Ungrateful Leprous Gang

Ten to the Saviour came

To be healed and no more

They of His mercies begged

That they be made whole

And from shame be freed


I saw the Saviour’s pity

Turn a command

“Go show the priest yourselves”

And as they went by the way

Behold!  they were healed


To give praise returned one, a foreigner

And of him the Saviour asked

“Where be the other nine?

Weren’t a dozen, less two, healed?

Thy faith makes thee well!”


A sight to behold was this scene

What an ungrateful leprous gang!

Such an act wicked, a story to tell indeed

I turned to face my friends

Lo and behold, we were nine!


2 Timothy 3:2  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, (NIV)

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