Standing Together

Residing in every man

Is the part he knows as his weakness

When he is bent by pressure

He fears to break, for he could


He writes upon tablets of stone

The deeds he has wrought in time

The pits that accommodated his falls

Are sad-tales none should hear


One’s weakness could be anothers’ strength

And standing together as one

Affords no distinction, strong or frail

Where one lacks, the other backs


What makes unbreakable a bundle

Is the multiplicity of individual strength

Though we’re not as strong as our strength’s force

We’re not as weak as our total frailty either


If another’s lack is your strength

Not a favor you owe, a duty you own

Go all out and cover the shame

It looks not like it, but it’s yours alright    ~


Self-sufficiency cloth many a weak

Burdens borne upon weather-worn shoulders

Strong and able is the look of lots

But, no man is an island to himself

More than you is needed to strengthen you!


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. 10 If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he’s in trouble.” (TLB)


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