Sin Humbled Me


It began like a flimsy thought

Testing the waters for opposition

I knew its type and daring nature

But seeing it creep, all I did was behold


I had the bridle and the bit

To condition my horse of a mind

But I held both bridle and bit

And watched the back of a galloping horse


This thought had set my mind to race

And when I knew what I was doing

I was surprised I was doing it

But I had let the horse, go all alone


I paid so dearly

What a cost I bore!

My innocence was smeared

Oh! I wished it stopped there


My anger almost halved me

And in it went I to an eatery

Sitting before a once-in-a-long while dish

Gobbled it down, feeling better        ~

But no matter how better I felt

I still knew I had drifted

My spirit deeply troubled

My person in uneasy calm


Had I used either bit or bridle

Just one could have done

Now all I say, even in silence is

“O!  God, forgive me.”


Psalm 51:6,10 You deserve honesty from the heart; yes, utter sincerity and truthfulness. Oh, give me this wisdom.10 Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires. (TLB)

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