Rest Calleth Thee


Many mighty have fallen,

Slept under the weight

The very ones they called burdens

Beguiled by the zest of youth

The pride of an unusual exuberance

They have borne a little more

Than what a standard scale calls ‘enough

What they lacked was the know-how


Innumerable and down trodden also

Are the men that bore nothing

And sunbathed on the beach of indolence

They know not their fallen stance

Nor is their hopeless end made known to them

They lack the will, the might, even thought

What in abundance they possess

Is the capacity to know less and flaunt more


One works without the wisdom

The other neither works nor even desires to

The depth of wisdom in work

Is to pause and rest awhile

I urge you in the words of Havner

“Come apart and rest awhile or

Just plain Come apart”


Mark 6:31  He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while”—for there were many [people who were continually] coming and going, and they could not even find time to eat.”(AMP)  

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