
Upon sands of time Ashore banks of ages Waiting dawn to dusk Tarried men in expectation   Told to await a prophet A deliverer to arise A  Saviour with mandate divine The souls of men to save   Men and prophets passed on Posterity* became generations gone ‘Here He is’ cried a sage* Vain was his cry as before   Old men aged more in waiting Young women watched their breasts sag Time was always there to elapse They waited […]

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Believe Me

  Grief has taken your peace Brief has become your prayers Stiff is the nature of your thoughts   Strong has become your dislikes Wrong is the turn of your concepts Wrung* is the last tear from your eyes   You belittle God by your fears You hurt God by your tears You sideline God by your cares   He had His Son in His bosom And with Him did He blossom But He sent Him for you as ransom […]

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Talent Hunt

Toiling through the foliage* That before my age has been Seeking paths that are mine And are yet hid in me   I have come through a journey Riding skill’s back Forging* self under labour’s anvil Bearing the marks of search   Did race once, a prized stallion* Trudged* alongside mediocrity’s crew And having seen cup and content Now halted in decision’s valley   He that gave me birth Said I would stress less If discovery weaves a path That […]

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Now I Know

Times I have discussed issues Sharing the burden of a friend And in my thoughts was this “If it were me, I would handle this”   I have tried to comfort some Giving the best of a support Yet concluding in abstract terms That I could do better, in their shoes   My thoughts became beliefs My conclusions bore no doubts Until a day came And I saw my shoes change!   I felt the pain I once downplayed I […]

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One Day at a Time

Life can advance no more Than the pace it moves The hurry we initiate and keep Cannot condition life to our terms   Life counts moment by moment Minutes to hours, days to weeks No more or less that it is Why bear the pain of worry?   Let tomorrow’s problem be with tomorrow Let the sleeping dogs of yesterday lie Sufficient for today is its evil And your best is – to be your best today   The setback […]

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It Can Still Be Done

  The case seems closed indeed You who refused to give heed Is now faced upfront with need And helpless like a withering seed   Once confident, now in your shadows Time to read, you strolled instead in the meadow* For study, you took rather a bed below Now reckoning nears like  a farmer’s sow   From the store full of nothing Remembrance brings not a thing Pained and helpless like a stone less sling Your case, not a solution […]

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Withstanding the Paradox

Stranger than fiction Is the concept of failure When all that led to it Is a sure dint* of hard work   Marrow-deep is the pain When after long days of toil All that fills our barns Are no better than the rewards of a sloth*   ‘Incomprehensible’ is the word That does best describe A result that negates All premise* that led to it   How best can it be explained If the universal principle of ‘Sow and Reap’ […]

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In Tears

Tears have made me look Like a scarified being They have been shed uncontrollably Rolling from upper lid to lower lip   I cried not because I had tears Nor because my emotions were tweaked* But there was a pain in my heart That forced the tears from their source   When I tried to hold back these tears Unthinking these thoughts that made me sad Though my eyelids were in close contact My lashes remained wet from the caress […]

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Sin Humbled Me

  It began like a flimsy thought Testing the waters for opposition I knew its type and daring nature But seeing it creep, all I did was behold   I had the bridle and the bit To condition my horse of a mind But I held both bridle and bit And watched the back of a galloping horse   This thought had set my mind to race And when I knew what I was doing I was surprised I was […]

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The Potter’s Blame?

On the quest to mold We all have borne ourselves here Carved in by torments we know Only too well to tell another   Arriving at the Potter’s porch Loud wailing, silent sobs Expressing our burdens as we know how The Potter is not more moved than He is   Awaiting our call We watch others’ burdens flee Earnestly wishing to be next As the Potter’s wheel spins on   When our time is come We anticipate a relief, a […]

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