
Love is never bored Humble and never lords Through trials it can forge Bearing not a bitter grudge   When the battle is fierce It comes like relief to pierce Conveying pain in a hearse* Granting the desired recess   Though the journey be longer by a mile It never fails to keep up the smile Knowing when weariness comes in a pile Love will pace you across, tile by tile   Love could layer like sod Or sweep wholesomely […]

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In Giving

Except in the light of hypocrisy Or in conformation to humane courtesy Men are under no obligation To give another a gift   Concept of giving is founded So strongly on a base divine That he who must give That divine image must reflect   Love is the unshakable base For the Father loved and gave Giving His utmost possession In that He loved so much   He who must give In love must and not be compelled In truth, […]

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Golden Sceptre

  Xerxes was king in Susa Vashti, his queen pleased him not And for bride he picked Esther In Vashti’s place was Mordecai’s adopted   Seasons later, for deprived honor Haman the Agagite, Hammedatha’s son Played into law, a decree All Jews were to die!   The royal signet* sealed it Unchangeable, the laws of the Medes and Persians But Mordecai, though in ashes, lived in hope This law to avert laid he bid to Queen Esther   Transcending another […]

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Lost Promise

  By the coins of betrayal A man bought a field Leaving his body there He boarded a means to hell   He did with a kiss Tell his Master ‘Greetings’ But deep in his heart Was an opinion ‘Farewell’   This same was of a promise A throne by the Master To Israel, a judge But men bore his corpse   Not a few look saint-like But deep within are evil-born Hooded to the eyes like Monks How long […]

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Success is a Process

Many are apt to build barns When they have planted not a field So much in a hurry to hear the result Of a trial they are yet to face More value to them is roofing a house Its foundation, a later thought   Others are that bear today’s dross In expectation of tomorrow’s clear silver They know not tomorrow Yet with the principles that’ll form it, are acquainted They know to bear today’s whims Hence able to contend success […]

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Change By Challenge

In the light of change The silhouette* factor is Challenge Darkening the lighted paths A ‘halogen’ move would cause its death   Many deem it an end to change When the army against them is innumerable Bruised before in battle with Challenge They lie discouraged and unrisen   Change that counts Moving men to desire so Is one that rides not a roller coaster But with a witness, overcomes Challenge   The quest for change although known Fears in the […]

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Ungrateful Leprous Gang

Ten to the Saviour came To be healed and no more They of His mercies begged That they be made whole And from shame be freed   I saw the Saviour’s pity Turn a command “Go show the priest yourselves” And as they went by the way Behold!  they were healed   To give praise returned one, a foreigner And of him the Saviour asked “Where be the other nine? Weren’t a dozen, less two, healed? Thy faith makes thee […]

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Tell The Tale

  Tombs lay engraved* with names The just that brought the gospel That bore the burden to share their faith Lain to rest with testimonies abounding   Journeying to distant lands unknown Bearing the news they knew could save The families that bore their youth Left behind like empty tombs of old   They brought the tale of Jesus And all they said after I was saved Was to live the gospel and tell it As freely as I had […]

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What If….?

If your life be required of you To whom shall you plead a second chance? When eternity has come to be And your time on earth is no more!   If your life be required of you What with shall you your crown claim? Whom shall you lead as your own That the weapons of your stay have brought?   If your life be required of you What shall you your Saviour tell? To whom shall your plea be made? […]

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