Lost Promise


By the coins of betrayal

A man bought a field

Leaving his body there

He boarded a means to hell


He did with a kiss

Tell his Master ‘Greetings’

But deep in his heart

Was an opinion ‘Farewell’


This same was of a promise

A throne by the Master

To Israel, a judge

But men bore his corpse


Not a few look saint-like

But deep within are evil-born

Hooded to the eyes like Monks

How long shall they hide?


Holy writ does no favoritism

Not the callers; ‘Lord, Lord…’

Neither the white-washed

But worshippers, in truth and spirit       ~


Of a twelve chosen

Of a promise given

This could spell ‘You ‘but forget not

Judas had a promise too!


Phil. 3:2-3 Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved. For we who worship by the Spirit of God[a] are the ones who are truly circumcised. We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort,(NLT)

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