
Upon sands of time

Ashore banks of ages

Waiting dawn to dusk

Tarried men in expectation


Told to await a prophet

A deliverer to arise

A  Saviour with mandate divine

The souls of men to save


Men and prophets passed on

Posterity* became generations gone

‘Here He is’ cried a sage*

Vain was his cry as before


Old men aged more in waiting

Young women watched their breasts sag

Time was always there to elapse

They waited and waited


Then came the cry of a babe

Babe lived to be Saviour

Here at last He was but the men that tarried

Saw and Knew Him not


John 1:10-11 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. 11 He came to his own,[a] and his own people[b] did not receive him.(ESV)

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