In Tears

Tears have made me look

Like a scarified being

They have been shed uncontrollably

Rolling from upper lid to lower lip


I cried not because I had tears

Nor because my emotions were tweaked*

But there was a pain in my heart

That forced the tears from their source


When I tried to hold back these tears

Unthinking these thoughts that made me sad

Though my eyelids were in close contact

My lashes remained wet from the caress of more tears


I tried being a ‘man’

Keeping mute in my pain-struck mood

Taking steps off life’s dictates

Following the course of troubled men


Then came a day, a Camel’s day

Not only was it the last

It was the only straw

And the Camel’s back was broken             ~


I know not how it did

I know instead who did

For I had entered His presence

And asked sincerely His help


‘Had bared my heart and all to Him

Who was and is not untouched of my infirmity

And from His streams of compassion

He stopped my tears from source.


The tears you see now are bore of joy

He’s taken my mournful tales

And in their place

Given me the joys of His Grace.


Psalm 30:5 His anger lasts only a moment,his goodness for a lifetime.
Tears may flow in the night,but joy comes in the morning.” (GNT)

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