In Search Of Love

Hurting from a broken heart

One I had tried to mend and failed

I think of the times that were bliss

When my future no gloom seemed to know


Then, upon a cloud of trust

I had floated an assurance of friendship and love

Singing my days from bloom to bloom

Digging to depths of some’s bosom


Was I told of a day like this

My doubts mount tops would‘a sailed

And drank to scorn the sea

Only to prove that ‘twill never be


Alas my plague is come

And though less than ten

My peace has waned* awhile

In seeking the Love I lost


As I make my search

One day my hope may pay

When I wake a morn

And behold my lost Love watching over me!


1Corinthians 13:8 All the special gifts and powers from God will someday come to an end, but love goes on forever. Someday prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge—these gifts will disappear.” (TLB)

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