Golden Sceptre


Xerxes was king in Susa

Vashti, his queen pleased him not

And for bride he picked Esther

In Vashti’s place was Mordecai’s adopted


Seasons later, for deprived honor

Haman the Agagite, Hammedatha’s son

Played into law, a decree

All Jews were to die!


The royal signet* sealed it

Unchangeable, the laws of the Medes and Persians

But Mordecai, though in ashes, lived in hope

This law to avert laid he bid to Queen Esther


Transcending another law of death

Esther braved the inner court

Xerxes, pleased with his queen

Held out a scepter*, it was golden!


The end tale made Haman’s gallows his host

And upon poles his sons hung, all ten

The Jews were from miserable death set free

‘Cos Queen Esther pleased her King        ~


The bid that makes the enemy flee

Running to ascend his gallows

Is only presented before a King

Who is pleased of his bride


You are the Church, Christ’s bride

In your daily walk, in your keeping

To the King of Kings, Prince of Peace

How pleased to have you in His inner court is He?

Would He to you hold out a scepter?


Heb 4:1616 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.(NLT)

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