It Can Still Be Done


The case seems closed indeed

You who refused to give heed

Is now faced upfront with need

And helpless like a withering seed


Once confident, now in your shadows

Time to read, you strolled instead in the meadow*

For study, you took rather a bed below

Now reckoning nears like  a farmer’s sow


From the store full of nothing

Remembrance brings not a thing

Pained and helpless like a stone less sling

Your case, not a solution can bring


You feel you’ve failed again

Despite the test not yet taken

You’re sure your fear is not a feign

And that your end thereof, will be far from gain


But there’s a principle to clarify

That a tree cut down and left to die

Will at the scent of water death defy

This, I know is true and do testify


If the test still in time delays

From your nothing point, start a relay

For if God, the foundation of the earth did lay

From nothing and just His say

Then He will by His word make you a way!


Joel 2:13  and rend your hearts and not your garments.”Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful,slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love;and he relents over disaster. (ESV)

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