A Fool Indeed

He grew a child and knew not God

So he lived and carved a niche*

Born at birth a sinner’s lad

Knew he was and so remained


Came a time he heard of Christ

Who had died a death for him

But he would not hear of it

With his life he went ahead


Many turns and twists he saw

As he journeyed through his time

Shifting grounds and plans alike

But the end he saw afar


Could a man be made this dumb

That he sees a way so clear

Yet he seeks a path to doom

And to him ‘No God exists’?


Oh! The agony of his end

If he lives and sees no need

Being tossed and tossed again

By the one he wills to serve          ~


As he ignores the One who saves

Beats a retreat from the right

His name will be and never change

For a Fool he’s called and is.


Psalm 14:1 Only fools think there is no God. People like that are evil and do terrible things.They never do what is right. (ESV)

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