Timeless One

The persons we are

Foetuses* were before

The patched soil we tread

Was once a swamp to wade*

The men who now are

Time before now were boys

The grey hairs we see

Were once black

The harvest so plentiful

Was once a field to cultivate

And the twilight now

Was aforetime dawn


So much change, change and change yet to come


But there is one who changes all

Yet changes not

Who of time and eternity no difference shows

His praise wish I to offer

For it is He I highly acclaim

The Timeless one.

Heb. 13: 8 “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and to-day, and to the ages [to come]”. (DARBY)


  • beautifully written, i will visit here often, i like your writing style

    • lifestamps

      Thanks so much, sorry for the late reply, i must have missed this comment somehow. you are welcome back anytime. something new would be awaiting you


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